Wednesday, 27 February 2019

27/2/2019 Crashed a an Undergraduate Astronomy Class

Crashed an ASTR 500 Introduction to Astronomy. On my path to become a radio Astronomer I am fretted by the fact that I dont have a formal Astronomy background. My understanding of Astronomy is limited to reading popular science books like A Brief History of the Universe by J.P. McEvoy, + Lucky Planet by David Waltham, TIME: New Frontiers of Space, Our Cosmic Origins by Armand Delsemme. Also shout out to Nikos Prantzos who wrote our Cosmic Future.

Armand Delsemme studied Comets which gives him insight to talk about how Life Arose on Planet Earth.

These Books, although fun and insightful count little in the way of a formal education in Astronomy.

My Background is in Electronics Engineering Majoring in Microwave Communications, and with 2 
years grappling with some data processing (python) and web technologies(NodeJS and Express Framework).

So, on my way down from WS Science building I saw a notice on the screen that lists all ongoing lectures. It showed ASTR 500 Introduction to Astronomy was just about to start.

I went in as the class was starting and placed myself in the back, hopefully out of notice of the professor.

The class was taught by Dr. Jordan Alexander of the IRASR Institute. We were asked to Introduce ourselves. Here's what I said:

"Hi, my name is Afiq and I'm an engineer. I read Carl Sagan's Cosmos once I thought that was cool..."

And then we were off on our journey...

Hand Gestures FTW

Kicking it with the youngins

We had an exercise where we shrank the radius of the Earth down to 1 meter. Then marked the position of some things:
  • Deepest Ocean Trench
  • Height of Sky Scraper
  • Tallest Mountains
  • Low Earth Orbit/ ISS Operating height.
Also, I learned how to find shit in the Universe: Right Ascension and Declination.

Many of my follow up blogs will probably involve some things I learn from ASTR 500

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