Diaries of an Aspiring Astrophysicist
Episode 1: The last year has been weird
Episode 2: Cosmic Collisions and Gravitational Waves
A blog by YouTube Scientist Explorer Wanderer SonOfTerra92 https://www.youtube.com/user/SonOfTerra92
Database Column Name
Table Label
0 | pl_hostname | Host Star Name | Stellar name most commonly used in the literature. |
1 | pl_letter | Planet Letter | Letter assigned to the planetary component of a planetary system. |
2 | pl_name | Planet Name | Planet name most commonly used in the literature. |
3 | pl_discmethod | Discovery Method | Method by which the planet was first identified. |
4 | pl_controvflag | Controversial Flag | Flag indicating whether the confirmation status of a planet has been questioned in the published literature (1=yes, 0=no) |
5 | pl_pnum | Number of Planets in System | Number of planets in the planetary system. |
6 | pl_orbper | Orbital Period (days) | Time the planet takes to make a complete orbit around the host star or system. |
7 | pl_orbsmax | Orbit Semi-Major Axis (AU) | The longest radius of an elliptic orbit, or, for exoplanets detected via gravitational microlensing or direct imaging, the projected separation in the plane of the sky. |
8 | pl_orbeccen | Eccentricity | Amount by which the orbit of the planet deviates from a perfect circle. |
9 | pl_orbincl | Inclination (deg) | Angular distance of the orbital plane from the line of sight. |
10 | pl_bmassj | Planet Mass or M*sin(i) [Jupiter mass] | Best planet mass estimate available, in order of preference: Mass, M*sin(i)/sin(i), or M*sin(i), depending on availability, and measured in Jupiter masses. See Planet Mass M*sin(i) Provenance (pl_bmassprov) to determine which measure applies. |
11 | pl_bmassprov | Planet Mass or M*sin(i) Provenance | Provenance of the measurement of the best mass. Options are: Mass, M*sin(i)/sin(i), and M*sini. |
12 | pl_radj | Planet Radius (Jupiter radii) | Length of a line segment from the center of the planet to its surface, measured in units of radius of Jupiter. |
13 | pl_dens | Planet Density (g/cm**3) | Amount of mass per unit of volume of the planet. |
14 | pl_ttvflag | TTV Flag | Flag indicating if the planet orbit exhibits transit timing variations from another planet in the system (1=yes, 0=no).Note:Non-transiting planets discovered via the transit timing variations of another planet in the system will not have their TTV flag set, since they do not themselves demonstrate TTVs. |
15 | pl_kepflag | Kepler Field Flag | Flag indicating if the planetary system signature is present in data taken with the Kepler mission (1=yes, 0=no). |
16 | pl_k2flag | K2 Mission Flag | Flag indicating if the planetary system signature is present in data taken with the K2 Mission (1=yes, 0=no). |
17 | pl_nnotes | Number of Notes | Number of Notes associated with the planet. View all notes in the Confirmed Planet Overview page. |
18 | ra_str | RA (sexagesimal) | Right Ascension of the planetary system in sexagesimal format. |
19 | dec_str | Dec (sexagesimal) | Declination of the planetary system in sexagesimal notation. |
20 | ra | RA (decimal degrees) | Right Ascension of the planetary system in decimal degrees. |
21 | dec | Dec (decimal degrees) | Declination of the planetary system in decimal degrees. |
22 | st_dist | Distance (pc) | Distance to the planetary system in units of parsecs. |
23 | gaia_dist | GaiaDistance [pc] | Distance computed fromGaiaparallax. |
24 | st_optmag | Optical Magnitude [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the V (Johnson) or the Kepler-band in units of magnitudes. |
25 | st_optband | Optical Magnitude Band | Band corresponding to the Optical Magnitude. Options are: V (Johnson) or Kepler-band. |
26 | gaia_gmag | G-band (Gaia) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measuring using theGaiaband in units of magnitudes. Objects matched toGaiausing the Hipparcos or 2MASS IDs provided inGaiaDR2. |
27 | st_teff | Effective Temperature (K) | Temperature of the star as modeled by a black body emitting the same total amount of electromagnetic radiation. |
28 | st_mass | Stellar Mass (solar mass) | Amount of matter contained in the star, measured in units of masses of the Sun. |
29 | st_rad | Stellar Radius (solar radii) | Length of a line segment from the center of the star to its surface, measured in units of radius of the Sun. |
30 | rowupdate | Date of Last Update | Date of last update of the planet parameters. |
31 | pl_facility | Discovery Facility | Name of facility of planet discovery observations |
33 | pl_tranflag | Planet Transit Flag | Flag indicating if the planet transits its host star (1=yes, 0=no) |
34 | pl_rvflag | Planet RV Flag | Flag indicating if the planet host star exhibits radial velocity variations due to the planet (1=yes, 0=no) |
35 | pl_imgflag | Planet Imaging Flag | Flag indicating if the planet has been observed via imaging techniques (1=yes, 0=no) |
36 | pl_astflag | Planet Astrometry Flag | Flag indicating if the planet host star exhibits astrometrical variations due to the planet (1=yes, 0=no) |
37 | pl_omflag | Orbital Modulation Flag | Flag indicating whether the planet exhibits orbital modulations on the phase curve (1=yes, 0=no) |
38 | pl_cbflag | Circumbinary Flag | Flag indicating whether the planet orbits a binary system (1=yes, 0=no) |
39 | pl_angsep | Calculated Angular Separation [mas] | The calculated angular separation (semi-major axis/distance) between the star and the planet. This value is only calculated for systems with both a semi-major axis and a distance value. |
40 | pl_orbtper | Time of Periastron (Julian Days) | The time at which the orbiting body is at its closest approach to the star it orbits (i.e. is at periastron). |
41 | pl_orblper | Longitude of Periastron (deg) | The angular separation between the ascending node of the orbit and the location in the orbit of periastron. |
42 | pl_rvamp | Radial Velocity Amplitude [m/s] | Half the peak-to-peak amplitude of variability in the stellar radial velocity. |
43 | pl_eqt | Planet Equilibrium Temperature [K] | The equilibrium temperature of the planet as modeled by a black body heated only by its host star, or for directly imaged planets, the effective temperature of the planet required to match the measured luminosity if the planet were a black body. |
44 | pl_insol | Insolation Flux [Earth flux] | Insolation flux is another way to give the equilibrium temperature. It's given in units relative to those measured for the Earth from the Sun. |
45 | pl_massj | Planet Mass (Jupiter mass) | Amount of matter contained in the planet, measured in units of masses of Jupiter. |
46 | pl_msinij | Planet M*sin(i) (Jupiter mass) | Minimum mass of a planet as measured by radial velocity, measured in units of masses of Jupiter. |
47 | pl_masse | Planet Mass (Earth mass) | Amount of matter contained in the planet, measured in units of masses of the Earth. |
48 | pl_msinie | Planet M*sini(i) [Earth mass] | Minimum mass of a planet as measured by radial velocity, measured in units of masses of Earth. |
49 | pl_bmasse | Planet Mass or M*sin(i) [Earth mass] | Best planet mass estimate available, in order of preference: Mass, M*sin(i)/sin(i), or M*sin(i), depending on availability, and measured in Earth masses. See Planet Mass M*sin(i) Provenance (pl_bmassprov) to determine which measure applies. |
50 | pl_rade | Planet Radius (Earth radii) | Length of a line segment from the center of the planet to its surface, measured in units of radius of the Earth. |
51 | pl_rads | Planet Radius (solar) | Length of a line segment from the center of the planet to its surface, measured in units of radius of the Sun. |
52 | pl_trandep | Transit Depth (percentage) | The size of the relative flux decrement caused by the orbiting body transiting in front of the star. |
53 | pl_trandur | Transit Duration (days) | The length of time from the moment the planet begins to cross the stellar limb to the moment the planet finishes crossing the stellar limb. |
54 | pl_tranmid | Transit Midpoint (Julian days) | The time given by the average of the time the planet begins to cross the stellar limb and the time the planet finishes crossing the stellar limb. |
55 | pl_tsystemref | Time System Reference | |
56 | pl_imppar | Impact Parameter | The sky-projected distance between the center of the stellar disc and the center of the planet disc at conjunction, normalized by the stellar radius. |
57 | pl_occdep | Occultation Depth | Depth of occultation of secondary eclipse |
58 | pl_ratdor | Planet-Star Distance over Star Radius | The distance between the planet and the star at mid-transit divided by the stellar radius. For the case of zero orbital eccentricity, the distance at mid-transit is the semi-major axis of the planetary orbit. |
59 | pl_ratror | Planet-Star Radius Ratio | The planet radius divided by the stellar radius |
60 | pl_def_refname | Default Reference | Reference for publication used for default parameter |
61 | pl_disc | Year of Discovery | Year the planet was discovered |
62 | pl_disc_refname | Discovery Reference | Reference name for discovery publication |
63 | pl_locale | Discovery Locale | Location of observation of planet discovery (Ground or Space) |
64 | pl_telescope | Discovery Telescope | Name of telescope of planet discovery observations |
65 | pl_instrument | Discovery Instrument | Name of instrument of planet discovery observations |
66 | pl_status | Status | Status of the planet (1 = announced, 2 = submitted, 3 = accepted, 0 = retracted). |
67 | pl_mnum | Number of Moons in System | Number of moons detected in the planetary system. |
68 | pl_st_npar | Number of Stellar and Planet Parameters | Number of Stellar and Planet Parameters |
69 | pl_st_nref | Number of Stellar and Planet References | Number of Stellar and Planet References |
70 | pl_pelink | Link to Exoplanet Encyclopaedia | It links to the planet page in the Exoplanet Encyclopaedia. |
71 | pl_edelink | Link to Exoplanet Data Explorer | It links to the planet page in Exoplanet Data Explorer. |
72 | pl_publ_date | Publication Date | Publication Date of the planet discovery referee publication. |
74 | hd_name | HD Name | Name of the star as given by the Henry Draper Catalog. |
75 | hip_name | HIP Name | Name of the star as given by the Hipparcos Catalog. |
76 | st_rah | RA (hours) | Right Ascension of the planetary system in decimal hours. |
77 | st_glon | Galactic Longitude (deg) | Galactic longitude of the planetary system in units of decimal degrees. |
78 | st_glat | Galactic Latitude (deg) | Galactic latitude of the planetary system in units of decimal degrees. |
79 | st_elon | Ecliptic Longitude (deg) | Ecliptic longitude of the planetary system in units of decimal degrees. |
80 | st_elat | Ecliptic Latitude (deg) | Ecliptic latitude of the planetary system in units of decimal degrees. |
81 | st_plx | Parallax (mas) | Difference in the angular position of a star as measured at two opposite positions within the Earth's orbit. |
82 | gaia_plx | GaiaParallax [mas] | GaiaDR2 difference in the angular position of a star as measured at two opposite positions within the Earth's orbit. |
83 | st_pmra | RA Proper Motion (mas/yr) | Angular change in right ascension over time as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System. |
84 | st_pmdec | Dec Proper Motion (mas/yr) | Angular change in declination over time as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System. |
85 | st_pm | Total Proper Motion (mas/yr) | Angular change in position over time as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System. |
86 | gaia_pmra | GaiaProper Motion (RA) [mas/yr] | GaiaDR2 angular change in right ascension over time as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System. |
87 | gaia_pmdec | GaiaProper Motion (Dec) [mas/yr] | GaiaDR2 angular change in declination over time as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System. |
88 | gaia_pm | GaiaTotal Proper Motion [mas/yr] | GaiaDR2 total proper motion computed from the RA and Dec. |
89 | st_radv | Radial Velocity (km/sec) | Velocity of the star in the direction of the line of sight. |
90 | st_spstr | Spectral Type | Classification of the star based on their spectral characteristics following the Morgan-Keenan system. |
91 | st_logg | Stellar Surface Gravity | Gravitational acceleration experienced at the stellar surface. |
92 | st_lum | Stellar Luminosity [log(solar)] | Amount of energy emitted by a star per unit time, measured in units of solar luminosities. |
93 | st_dens | Stellar Density [g/cm**3] | Amount of mass per unit of volume of the star. |
94 | st_metfe | Stellar Metallicity (dex) | Measurement of the metal content of the photosphere of the star as compared to the hydrogen content. |
95 | st_metratio | Metallicity Ratio | Ratio for the Metallicity Value ([Fe/H] denotes iron abundance, [M/H] refers to a general metal content) |
96 | st_age | Stellar Age [Gyr] | The age of the host star. |
97 | st_vsini | Rotational Velocity v*sin(i) [km/s] | Rotational velocity at the equator of the star multiplied by the sine of the inclination. |
98 | st_acts | Stellar Activity Index (S-Index) | Chromospheric activity as measured by the S-index (ratio of the emission of the H and K Ca lines to that in nearby continuum). |
99 | st_actr | Stellar Activity Log (R'HK) | Chromospheric activity as measured by the log(R' HK) index, with is based on the S-index, but excludes the photospheric component in the Ca lines. |
100 | st_actlx | x-ray Activity (Lx)" | Stellar activity as measured by the total luminosity in X-rays. |
101 | swasp_id | SWASP Identifier | Name of the star as given by the SuperWASP (Wide Angle Search for Planets) project. |
102 | st_nts | Number of Time Series | Number of literature time series available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive |
103 | st_nplc | Number of Planet Transit Light Curves | Number of literature transit light curves available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. |
104 | st_nglc | Number of General Light Curves | Number of Hipparcos light curves available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. |
105 | st_nrvc | Number of Radial Velocity Time Series | Number of literature radial velocity curves available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. |
106 | st_naxa | Number of Amateur Light Curves | Number of literature amateur light curves available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. |
107 | st_nimg | Number of Images | Number of literature images available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. |
108 | st_nspec | Number of Spectra | Number of literature of spectra available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. |
110 | st_uj | U-band (Johnson) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the U (Johnson) band in units of magnitudes. |
111 | st_vj | V-band (Johnson) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the V (Johnson) band in units of magnitudes. |
112 | st_bj | B-band (Johnson) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the B (Johnson) band in units of magnitudes. |
113 | st_rc | R-band (Cousins) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the R (Cousins) band in units of magnitudes. |
114 | st_ic | I-band (Cousins) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the I (Cousins) band in units of magnitudes. |
115 | st_j | J-band (2MASS) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the J (2MASS) band in units of magnitudes. |
116 | st_h | H-band (2MASS) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the H (2MASS) band in units of magnitudes. |
117 | st_k | Ks-band (2MASS) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the K (2MASS) band in units of magnitudes. |
118 | st_wise1 | WISE 3.4um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 3.4um (WISE) band in units of magnitudes. |
119 | st_wise2 | WISE 4.6um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 4.6um (WISE) band in units of magnitudes. |
120 | st_wise3 | WISE 12.um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 12.um (WISE) band in units of magnitudes. |
121 | st_wise4 | WISE 22.um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 22.um (WISE) band in units of magnitudes. |
122 | st_irac1 | IRAC 3.6um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 3.6um (IRAC) band in units of magnitudes. |
123 | st_irac2 | IRAC 4.5um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 4.5um (IRAC) band in units of magnitudes. |
124 | st_irac3 | IRAC 5.8um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 5.8um (IRAC) band in units of magnitudes. |
125 | st_irac4 | IRAC 8.0um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 8.0um (IRAC) band in units of magnitudes. |
126 | st_mips1 | MIPS 24um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 24um (MIPS) band in units of magnitudes. |
127 | st_mips2 | MIPS 70um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 70um (MIPS) band in units of magnitudes. |
128 | st_mips3 | MIPS 160um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 160um (MIPS) band in units of magnitudes. |
129 | st_iras1 | IRAS 12um [Jy] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 12um (IRAS) band in units of Jy. |
130 | st_iras2 | IRAS 25um [Jy] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 25um (IRAS) band in units of Jy. |
131 | st_iras3 | IRAS 60um [Jy] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 60um (IRAS) band in units of Jy. |
132 | st_iras4 | IRAS 100um [Jy] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 100um (IRAS) band in units of Jy. |
133 | st_photn | Number of Photometry Measurements | Number of photometry measurements available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. |
135 | st_umbj | U-B (Johnson) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between U and B (Johnson) bands. |
136 | st_bmvj | B-V (Johnson) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between B and V (Johnson) bands. |
137 | st_vjmic | V-I (Johnson-Cousins) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between V (Johnson) and I (Cousins) bands. |
138 | st_vjmrc | V-R (Johnson-Cousins) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between V (Johnson) and R (Cousins) bands. |
139 | st_jmh2 | J-H (2MASS) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between J and H (2MASS) bands. |
140 | st_hmk2 | H-Ks (2MASS) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between H and K (2MASS) bands. |
141 | st_jmk2 | J-Ks (2MASS) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between K and K (2MASS) bands. |
142 | st_bmy | b-y (Stromgren) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between b and y (Stromgren) bands. |
143 | st_m1 | m1 (Stromgren) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the m1 (Stromgren) system. |
144 | st_c1 | c1 (Stromgren) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the c1 (Stromgren) system. |
145 | st_colorn | Number of Color Measurements | Number of color measurements available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. |
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Can't stop this Sagan in the makin. Radio astronomy is awesome. |
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I have good shit |
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Hippo Poo makes the Mara River go round |
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DIatoms in a Psychedelic Universe. We are all connected |
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Break is over, better get started on that term paper.
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I wonder if it will have an atmosphere. Not that we really need one if we ever get to explore it. I figure we'll carry our own atmosphere with us. |
Diaries of an Aspiring Astrophysicist Episode 1: The last year has been weird Episode 2: Cosmic Collisions and Gravitational Wa...